How to learn web development (Getting started)

Today, we will be discussing on how to learn web development or the steps to follow to get started with your web development career. But first of all, let's understand a few basics. Web development is the process of developing a website consists of single or multiple webpages. It can be static or dynamic. People involved in developing web are called web developers. You can visit our detailed article on…

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What is wordpress?

WordPress is a free and open-source Content management system (CMS) written in PHP (Programming Language). It is the largest CMS across the globe which provides awesome features and is highly customizable. It features almost 37 % of the web. Let's have a look at some of its features. Salient features: 1. Suitable for people of non-technical background. 2. Simple and easy to use drag and drop features, No need to code.…

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